You have to do your own homework and be your own advocate.

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Yes, just more of the same. It's so frustrating that you can't trust any of these organizations or our governmental agencies to provide true and sound information to stay healthy and/or get healthy after the fact. And god forbid you end up in the hospital as a T2 diabetic, you either eat similarly to the referenced recipe, or choose to not eat. My last stay, I refused to eat except hard boiled eggs (they allowed me two), that I had to request because I'm sure the "scrambled eggs" were probably liquid eggs from egg whites.

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There it is, the agenda (to do harm) right in our faces. Only when we acknowledge the full extent to which we humans continue to be deceived - about everything, but most especially our health - will we break out of the cage.

Does anyone even listen to those horrific 'disclaimers' in endless Pharma commercials: "Such & Such may cause: [insert your favorite] cancer, bowel perforation, suicidal thoughts, or DEATH."?

Nope. "Ask your doctor about "Such & Such"!

BTW, I'm pretty dern sure those weird trademarks are written in some kind of nefarious code. LOL.

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