The guy's right. What I think.. is that those brainwashed kids from Orwell's 1984 are all grown up now, and some never mustered any courage or desire to unlearn their mindless and prideful obedience in govt.

Nevermind all the propagandizing aimed at kids these days, studies have shown they're not listening, they'll be fine. It's the generational subset of "boy, weren't the 1950s swell!" weak, coward adults still gleefully playing kabuki covid theatre who ya gotta watch out for.. They were programmed from an early age with the need to stay afraid, and they'll cling to that need to justify their irrational desire for an increasingly powerful nanny state which they really believe will protect them and their pensions from covid and from all those scary free-thinking rebellious human beings out there..

This usually means manipulating and controlling their own families as much as possible to reinforce their nutty covid fears and untreated mental illness, always being ready to snitch to govt to call for force on those who won't ignorantly comply or enable said mental illness, and then turning a cheery blind eye to all the violence and the suffering they've directly caused.. because why waste time focusing on the negative, right! Thanks to daddy gov having it all under control, we are safe-- but never too safe!-- in our bubble with the doors shut and blinds drawn, and there are TV gameshow reruns we have a patriotic obligation to spend our time mindlessly consuming. We are experiencing life to its fullest thanks to the protection granted by our generous God and all of the additional security that our face diapers and fears continue to afford us.. Hmm? Somebody somewhere wrote something that challenges these ideas? What's a substack?

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