What are your thoughts about the flew shot this year since it may be combined with the Covid booster?

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The Flu shot is a separate jab from the COVID booster.

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To me - that is the key "truer informed consent and individualized rights to make our own medical decisions." However, I wonder how many people will actually take the time and make the effort to do it.

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Ok, we’ve known that natural immunity was the “gold standard” for the last hundred years, nothing new here. The only question left, is where do we go from here? Was(and continues to be) the global population lied to, gaslit, and manipulated? Of course it was, but what do we do about it? It’s long passed time that we move on from this nonsense, and most importantly, make sure that measures are put in place that prohibits it from EVER happening again. I’ve seen ZERO action taken in any country, state, province, territory, city anywhere to stop this madness from happening again. For example, the very same techniques they used and perfected for Cv-1984, they are now reusing for their “Climate Crisis” measures…Europe is literally going on a climate “lockdown” this winter. They told us that a “New Normal” was coming back in March 2020, and here it is….forever.

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