As always ... I so appreciate your sharing of info!! Which cut of meat did you use??

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H-Mart on Rte 70; not sure the cut, it was just very thin

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The bigger story(by orders of magnitude) here is not the Florida SG giving basic common sense guidance, it’s the fact that his guidance was taken down by Twitter, FB, IG etc.. Only one narrative has been allowed to see the light of day in today’s “public square” from controlled media and tech. Control the medium, and you control the message. We now live in a time of 24/7 propaganda.

How ironic that a long time propagandist like the WaPo, has the motto, “Democracy dies in darkness.”

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Although, we knew this, thanks to you and your clog. The Florida Surgeon General's findings and recommendations further confirmed my decision to distrust the newest booster shot. (Blog ! That beefy meal could cause a clog. In Russian accent: But I bet vas good, going down. )

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Ok, so the Florida surgeon general is telling us what we knew a year ago. What about the other 49 states? What about the millions those in that age bracket in the military and universities that were forced to be jabbed? Do they get unjabbed???? Will Pharma/Gov/Media/Tech send a sorry note to the thousands of parents who completely unnecessarily lost and will continue to lose their children to this? No?

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DEE-LICIOUS. YUM, A call for sanity for me, others should call sanitation. I also like, Viet-style , ground beef wrapped in grape leaves. Hey, what's your beef ? ( the cut you used )

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My mom used to make these, onion, bacon, pickle and carrot. Beef Roladen. A family favorite.

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I’d volunteer to wash the pan for a serving. Sounds delicious!

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I don’t envy the person who has to wash that pan 🙄

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