I’m a firm believer in your common sense health

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It’s all just reinforcing what you have already shared with all of us. Don’t stop talking about it. Maybe every time you write about it another person or two “gets it “. I think when the majority of people actually “get it “maybe just maybe people will push back against all the BS that we are force fed.

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What would happen if Big Pharma was no longer allowed to?

A: Advertise on TV

(Many countries do NOT allow this. Just listening to their "Side effects may include: .... " disclaimers makes me want to scream at the TV - the odd occasion when it's turned on!)

B: Make political contributions

(BINGO! Why were vax manufacturers granted Congressional immunity from liability in 1986?)

C: Directly fund research at colleges and universities

(BINGO on steroids! "Trust the science!"... except their data is nonexistent/bogus at worst, skewed at best.)

Would any of the past 3-4 years have been handled in a different way?

(Zero public support nor compliance for vax coercion & mandates, ie MADNESS.)

Great food for thought, Dr. Steve!

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ALWAYS a delight reading your posts. Thank you 🌻

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Great stuff here. Thanks for sharing. It’s all so true…. And it’s “common sense”! Have a great day! Keep up the great work!

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