Steam, cool, leave the skin on, salt, drizzle olive oil. This will maximise the resistant starch, slow digestion with the fibre of the skin, and moderate the glycemic responses with the added fat. Use it as a side(not the main dish obviously) and you will do fine.

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Hmmm, this is interesting to know. I have not completely rid myself of white potatoes, because I love mashed potatoes, crinkle fries, and home fries. I just don't eat them too often, and try to eat the sweet potatoes instead. What I have gathered that you have indicated, is boiling white potatoes is not the same effect as steaming them. I presume that by boiling them, you boil out the nutrients, which is why steaming is better. I have never tried steaming potatoes, nor have I ever heard of anyone steaming potatoes. Not that it is far fetched. I just never heard of anyone I know ever steaming potatoes. They were either boiled or fried. I have wondered about the white potato though. This is a vegetable. How is it not good for you? If cooked the wrong way, just like any other vegetable, when cooked the incorrect way, it no longer serves the purpose in which was intended, except to fill that belly.

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Thanks for the comment and questions.

I used a Instant Pot pressure cooker for the potatoes.

The water in the bottom of the pressure cooker heats up and cooks as well as steams the potatoes, hopefully without losing as many nutrients as you would with true boiling.

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