Thanks so much for this very informative article, Dr H! I appreciate it. I like your NNT way of looking at it.

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Another great article. Like the other posts, what other modalities can be used.

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This is awesome thanks. I will show to my mother-in-law who has osteopenia. I am interested to know what else can help her… she is 86 and not Shiite to strength train at this point but perhaps some natural supplements.

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Hi Doc:

I am 73, male. I have had several DEXA scans. I was diagnosed with osteopenia after taking too much Naturethroid (T4 & T3). That was several years ago. Bone density remains about the same by lifting weights and Bodyweight exercise. I am curious what other things can influence bone density in a positive manner. 1 do take D3+K2 5000iu /day.

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Thanks! Just as I thought, better prevent falling (balance) and eating right (maybe vit K2?) than take osteoporosis-medicin. I was diagnosed osteopenia 20 yrs ago and advised to take fosamax, but it was inconvenient and I thought better to walk and bike more would be enough.

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