Mouthwash smouthwash, let's all hide in our homes and hold our elderly as prisoners in theirs for another year or ten just to be on the safe side 🤪

Jk, the diluted iodine seems to help when people start using it early and often enough. Was already too late in the game when I tried it

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Yes, upper respiratory infections aren’t going anywhere, since they have been around since forever. Too bad we destroyed society over it now…

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Exactly, if it weren't for the smartphones everyone would've ignored it like we all did back in 08/09. And I hear ya, once I get past my current health challenges I intend to start a blog that digs into that subject on an uncomfortably real level 😂 Won't be any positivity bias to pad the audience's cognitive dissonance

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100% agreed. Even our beloved self appointed overlords at the WHO were calling this the first global “Infodemic” back in February 2020. It was the 24/7 digital umbilical cord that allowed this to go viral. Imagine if everyone was still waiting for the evening news on the telly, or the next morning’s newspaper. Along with the 24/7 connectivity, I also thing it was generational. I’m not sure how compliant previous generations would have been if they were still with us. Many of them had seen real horrors….


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Too true. Dr H is always reiterating the importance of not just mindlessly going along with whatever the media is spouting off. The cost of folks not being able to think for themselves has been too great.

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Will definitely be using this method..great information..Thank you.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz

I can personally attest to the iodine nasal spray. My parents (both in their late 70s and with several co morbidities) came down with covid in June of this year. My dad was struggling and I made the nasal spray and overnighted to him. Had him use it every 4 hours. No joke within 12 hours he reported feeling markedly better. Was completely better and tested negative within 48 hours. It works. 👍

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