Unfortunately, the industry led push towards plant based everything continues. Look for more and more plant “milk”, plant “butter”, plant “cheese”, plant “yoghurt” on your shelves soon. The inputs are cheaper, and the prices are much higher, so the profit margins are astronomical compared to traditional real food.

Also, since no one here on Dr. H’s substack consumes empty processes breakfast cereals, or junk seed oil laden cookies like Oreo’s, there is zero reason to purchase milk of any kind. Traditional full fat fermented dairy(butter, yoghurt, cheese) has served us well for millennia for a reason….

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Growing up on a farm, we drank nothing but milk straight from the cow, loaded with cream!! The only time I didn’t care, for it was in the spring when the cows were eating onion grass, and the taste came through the milk… L O L

My mom would skim the cream off the top and freeze some of it, made the best whipped cream EVER!!!!!!

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