"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." Thomas Jefferson.

I just went to Wikipedia(I know some info can be flawed) and read about CVS. They have a monopoly when it comes to pharmacies. They are huge and untouchable evidently.

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I don’t see any possible scenario where this could ever result in better and more cost-effective medications. Nope. Big Pharma and Big Insurance in cahoots - how could this possibly go wrong?

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The coal mining companies open a "Company Store" to sell the hardworking miners' needed goods, at an inflated cost. " A Little Bit Of History....Repeating" (Shirley Bassey , the James Bond songstress ages and maintains her golden voice) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC2pgcagyRk

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Next, they will be telling you "no need for a doctor" just go to your local Big Pharma institution and they will diagnosis you.

No different from the Construction Industry, where a local building dept. tells the Architect or Engineer the right way to construct a project.

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First of all CVS is the worse. Secondly this obviously presents a conflict of interest.

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Yea I think I remember a time 15+ years ago when most people used to be just alert enough and intelligent enough to see a real problem with something like this..

But then they used companies like Aetna and CVS to guide their personal healthcare decisions, and now health is a corporate app on their smartphone that certifies their immune systems been conquered and compromised.

So they might as well be one in the same in the end. But I get what you're saying.

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Totally do not trust big business… They may set it up that it will be much more advantageous to have Aetna as ur insurance company and restrict all other plans!!!

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One word….insane.

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