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I feel bad when the mirror reflects back the emaciated me though. There's definitely a balance to be struck with this stuff, and I think I found it through pizza and cheese fries 🙂

Being sick clearly threw my hormones way off. Went three weeks without an appetite, then once it returned I found myself eating everything in the pantry, carbs included, all day long, before turning my attention to the little mom and pop restaurant up the street for Standard South Jerseyan Diet feasts.

The gorging phase passed after about a week and then I went back to normal meals focusing on fat/cholesterol/protein and light snacking.

I did have to cut out my usual energy drinks since they taste terrible to me now, but it works out since I switched to a nootropic stack that lasts me all day and seems to help offset the brainfog. One day I won't be living in a moldy house and will be able to experience the energy benefits of low-carb.

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